Integrating to your own Website

You may want to add an additional layer of your organization's branding or present the vote more familiarly on your website. ElectionBuddy can be presented on your organization's website, but the page where voting occurs will still be ElectionBuddy.

There are a couple of ways you can do this:

Here are some voting page samples after the voter accesses a High Integrity link and a Medium Integrity link:


  • Add a page on your website eg. that automatically redirects the voter to a high or Medium Integrity voting page as noted previously.
  • Add an ElectionBuddy voting widget to a webpage within a private members-only page on your website. This allows the voter to log in to your website, go to a webpage where the widget has been added, and when the voter accesses the widget link, they are directed to the ballot without having to log in to ElectionBuddy. This requires that you have access to ElectionBuddy Voting Integrations:


For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen.

Jul 19, 2024