Allowing Voters to Verify their Votes

To allow voters the ability to verify that their vote was included in the voting results and was not tampered with between the time they voted and when the results were shared, use the "Vote Audit" report. This creates a vote that is observable and transparent.

Voters can view this report as part of results sharing. The "Vote Audit" lists a "Confirmation Code":

Voter audit.jpg

A confirmation code is a fifteen-character hash generated from the combination of a voter's choices on the ballot and their Voter ID. A hash algorithm takes the voter's ballot choices and Voter ID and translates that information into a series of numbers and letters, like the example in the picture above. It also achieves the following:

  • It is impossible to work backward. Even if you know the algorithm we use to calculate the hashes, you cannot turn a confirmation code back into the information about the voter's ballot choices and Voter ID
  • Two voters in the same vote cannot be assigned the same confirmation code (known as collision)
  • The confirmation code is dynamic. Codes are not saved to our database because they are re-calculated each time someone views the "Vote Audit" page. This means that the confirmation code in the "Vote Audit", is the most current record. If a voter's choices haven't been changed, then the hash will not change.

Confirmation codes are provided to voters on the "Confirmation" screen when they submit their ballot. We direct voters to note this information, and as an administrator, you can optionally send them a copy of the confirmation.

If you are using notice types other than email, it is essential that you ask your voters to retain their confirmation code from the "Confirmation" screen, because the vote confirmation receipt is only available via email.

Setting Up a Vote so Voters Can Verify Their Vote Integrity

  • On the "Details" page of your vote setup, find the "Voter Access to Results" setting (under the Security heading; it is the last section on the page)
  • Set that setting to either "Anytime after voting starts" or "Only after voting ends". The voters will need to be able to view the results in order to verify anything
  • Continue to the "Ballot" stage, and build your ballot as required.
  • If you want voters to receive the confirmation by email, choose email notices and select "Email a receipt to voters" to get their confirmation code emailed to them directly after they vote.
  • Share the results with your voters after your vote. When results are shared, voters will be able to view the "Vote Audit" and can verify the integrity of their vote by comparing their confirmation code to the list in the "Vote Audit".

For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen

Feb 6, 2025