Sample Ballot Questions - Religious Organizations

ElectionBuddy has built thousands of ballots that work for Churches and Religious Organizations. Create perfectly designed accessible voter ballots. Below are samples used by religious organizations like yours.

The team at ElectionBuddy has compiled the following example questions to assist with your vote setup. We do encourage you to refer to your Churches or Religious organizations' voting rules to ensure you use the appropriate voting method and verbiage.

Clergy Board Elections

Voters choose the number of candidates based on vacancies. The candidates with the most votes win.

When electing multiple representatives to a position, you can determine how many choices a voter can select, such as by requiring a voter to select a candidate for all vacancies or just several.

Under add details, you are able to add a photo and biography for each candidate.


Bylaw Amendments

Voters approve or reject a bylaw amendment by reviewing an attached document or summary.


Meeting Votes

Another Yes/No question that is common for religious organizations, voters vote for or against the minutes from the last meeting.

You might like to attach a document with details on the vote.

Similar to other Yes/No votes, this can be set up using Plurality voting and Yes/No ballot options.


Nomination Vote

Nomination Votes might be held prior to an election to collect candidate nominations or to collect ideas for future meeting locations, lunch providers, etc.

In the example below, the voting system nomination is selected. You are able to determine how many nominations per voter you would like to collect.


These are just a few ideas to help you get started building your ballot! For more examples please see Ballot Samples.

For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen.