Next Steps After Test Vote

Testing all aspects of your vote setup is an important step in ensuring your formal vote runs smoothly for your organization. Once you have completed your Test Vote, here is the step-by-step process we recommend you follow once you are happy with the setup of your test vote.

  • Review the results of your test vote as well as options for sharing and downloading results. Results will be presented in the same way during the live vote; please test sending the results directly from ElectionBuddy to your test voters or downloading the results from ElectionBuddy to share with your voters.
  • Duplicate your test vote. This copies the setup of the previous vote exactly, so you don't have to spend the time doing it all over again! Instructions on doing that are here - Duplicating a Vote.
  • Proceed through the vote setup of the duplicated vote. Even though all your vote information will be in place as a result of the duplication, you will have to proceed through the setup as if it were a new vote. One important step is, on the "Details" page of the duplicated selection, to confirm that Vote Options is set to "Live".
  • When on the Voter's Page, clear your test vote list if needed. There is a "Clear" button under the list, which deletes the contents of the list for you. Then put in your full voter list by either Importing Your Voter List or Copying and Pasting Your Voter List From a Spreadsheet. Don't forget to validate your list using the "Validate" button under the list.
  • When you have finished setting up and validating your voter list, proceed to the Review Page of your vote, and complete the Review checks. After the review, you'll be asked to pay for your vote online via credit card.


Here are some common items to double-check for before you start your vote:

  • Review your vote details for accuracy
  • Ensure that all your ballot information is correct and that no candidates were omitted
  • Reserve extra access keys for voters who may join after the vote starts
  • Triple-check your voter list
  • Take a look at any instructions, candidate names, titles, etc., that you have typed to ensure that there are no spelling errors

Once you have paid, your vote will sit in the "Ready" stage. It will launch at the time that you have scheduled. For information on manually starting your vote, please see Manually Starting or Ending Voting

For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen.